Christ is Risen! Indeed He is risen!
Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is with a warm and sincere heart that we greet you all on the occasion of the joyful and
illustrious Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord. We send out this joyful news to all – young and
old, men and women, the healthy and the sick, to all members of our St. Nicholas Ukrainian
Catholic Church family and friends. May this day be for each of you a new day of spiritual celebration and growth. The Paschal Mystery we celebrate and contemplate promises spiritual renewal and rebirth. We, at St. Nicholas understand a personal renewal and rebirth each week in our liturgy and our lives.
We appreciate the truly miraculous nature of our faith. During this Easter Season, I would like to extend to you my blessings and deepest gratitude. St. Nicholas is a home to all its members and friends. We should all rejoice and give thanks on a daily basis for keeping our Ukrainian faith and traditions alive in our beautiful church. Truly, I see here a loving church community where the miracle of renewal and rebirth occurs every Sunday and oftentimes every day.
So, please celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s victory over death and experience spiritual
rebirth and renewal by worshipping at St. Nicholas this Easter Season.
Happy Easter! З Великоднем!
Pastor Very Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka
Holy Thursday, April 6
7:00PM Matins with the reading of 12 Passion Gospels
Good Friday, April 7
7:00 PM Vespers with procession of the Holy Shroud (Plaschanytsia)
Holy Saturday, April 8
9:00 AM Vespers with Divine Liturgy St. Basil the Great
3:00 PM Blessing of the Pascha and Easter food (outside)
Pascha Easter Sunday, April 9
9:00 AM Resurrection Matins follow by Easter Divine Liturgy.
Bright Monday, April 10
Bright Tuesday, April 11